
8 Tips to Keep Your Copiers and Printers (and Data) Safe From Hackers

Written by Constance Barbian | Sep 25, 2018 3:03:00 PM

Anything connected to a network is a potential security risk -- including your copiers and printers.

We’ve discussed this topic recently, read 11 Things About Copier Security You Didn’t Know About.

Every business needs to worry about security; even small and medium businesses. Cyberattacks on SMBs continue to increase because they usually don’t have the knowledge or expertise to tightly manage their security infrastructure – especially when it comes to protecting their networked copiers and printers.

The first step to protecting your information from hackers is to understand and recognize the issues that may threaten your office’s security. The second step is to develop a plan for network and information security.

The third step? Keep reading for a few tips you can implement in your office today.

Tips to Keep Copiers, Printers and – Most Importantly – Your Information Secure

Fortunately, once you know there’s an issue, the steps to address possible security issues are fairly straightforward.

Location - Not Just Important in Real Estate

For departments who print confidential documents -- patient data, customer details, payroll -- consider a designated printer to use for these sensitive documents. Place this printer in a secure area and restrict access by requiring a badge, key, or other security method.

Stationing printers away from high traffic areas can also deter bad behavior such as corrupt personnel printing confidential documents without authority.

Authenticate Users

It’s good practice to have users authenticate themselves with a PIN code, ID card, or some other form of authentication before operating equipment -- even biometric recognition is an option (fingerprint, most often). Not all models of printers and copiers are compatible with every method of authentication (and not every office necessarily needs heavy-duty authentication), check with your Benchmark Printerpreter if you’re unsure about all your equipment’s capabilities.

Don’t Forget the Phones

If your office allows mobile printing via Wi-Fi, all smart phones and other mobile devices must be secure on the network.

Use Passwords to Protect the Control Panel

Password protect the control panel so that only authorized users can manipulate the settings.

Pull Printing

Require documents to be released at the device. Not only does this prevent wasteful printing, it prevents confidential documents from being exposed in the output tray for anyone to pick up.


Most copiers today have a hard drive encryption option. This can prevent hackers from accessing sensitive information if they penetrate your network. Encrypt the connection to your device as well.

Clear the Cache

Make a habit of regularly clearing the printer’s memory. Set a scheduled time to do this every month so you don’t forget.

End of Life

All good things come to an end. Whether your lease is expiring, you’re selling, or simply recycling your device; make sure your data doesn’t leave the office with the copier. As mentioned above, wipe the cache. Then either remove the hard drive entirely or digitally shred it (you can do this yourself or have your copier partner do it).


Security is a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be scary. Follow these simple steps and rest easy knowing your data is safe.

If you’re concerned or don’t know where to start, give your local Benchmark representative a call!