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9 Tips To Help Secure Your Xerox Devices For a Safer Work Environment

The current trends towards wireless and cloud-enabled devices in office technology provide tons of convenience and freedom for workers in almost every industry. However, with great collaboration comes great responsibility. The danger of cybercrime is an ever-looming threat. 

The new devices that help your employees work more effectively can create gaping holes for unauthorized network access meaning your data could be compromised. Chances are data thieves are lurking around your place of business and looking for an opening to gain entry. Get proactive about locking down the data on your office equipment with these nine tips:

#1: Collect only the data you need

Collecting large amounts of customer data makes you an attractive target. If you don’t need to gather data from customers, don’t.

#2: Put everything behind the firewall

Don’t make the mistake of connecting any Xerox devices directly to the internet. Make every device pass through a secure firewall to stop unauthorized access to your resources.

#3: Employ website security measures

Encryption for your website will prevent hackers from using your site as an entry point to your network.

#4: Increase password strength

All passwords should contain a minimum of eight characters with a mandatory mix of small and capital letters with a minimum of one number and one special character.

#5: Install security software on office devices

Hackers use malware to attach themselves and gain access to your network. Keeping your security software up to date on both your computers and your office equipment can help thwart them from getting in the door.

#6: Create default passwords

One big mistake you want to avoid is leaving factory set passwords as the default on installed devices and services such as routers and print controllers. If left unchanged, data thieves can easily hack into these defaults and get into your system.

#7: Disable unused services and ports

Any available port that you do not deactivate acts as a welcome sign for unauthorized network intruders. Close and lock the door by disabling all unused network ports.

#8: Validate certificates with TLS 

TLS Certificates provide protection against impersonation when using some common applications such as web browsing, email, instant messaging, and voice over IP. Fake certificates can help cybercriminals slip in unnoticed and wreak havoc on your computer systems. Make sure you validate certificates to make your network a trusted and secure environment.

#9: Create a company security policy 

Every business should create a security policy that mirrors and expands on current commercial privacy laws. For added protection, strive to go beyond what the law requires in your security system. Train all employees in your security procedures, so they are less likely to fall victim to phishing schemes or other stealth forms of security attacks.

Get Started

In any organization, network security is every employee’s business and responsibility. By following some of these simple, common-sense procedures, you can lessen your company’s risk. To learn more about securing your Xerox office equipment or other office devices, talk to a Benchmark solutions expert today.

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