9 Tips To Help Secure Your Xerox Devices For a Safer Work Environment

9 Tips To Help Secure Your Xerox Devices For a Safer Work Environment

The current trends towards wireless and cloud-enabled devices in office technology provide tons of convenience and freedom for workers in almost every industry. However, with great collaboration comes great responsibility. The danger of cybercrime is an ever-looming threat. 

The new devices that help your employees work more...

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What Paper is Best to Use in Xerox Printers?

What Paper is Best to Use in Xerox Printers?

Like your automobile’s recommended fuel type, your Xerox printing equipment has recommended paper types. While you can likely get away with putting cheap gas in your car, the quality and grade of the fuel you use can greatly affect your vehicle’s overall performance.

The same goes for your copying and printing device. Different machines work best with...

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Need a Quick Proofreader? Xerox Has an App for That

Instant access to a powerful tool to ensure accuracy and originality

With Xerox Proofreader Service App on your workplace assistant, you can instantly check for spelling, grammar, syntax and even plagiarism, right from your ConnectKey® Technology-enabled multifunction printer. According to the Enterprise Application Market Higher Education report, 25% of essays submitted by students in higher...

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The False Economy of Cheap Toner

The False Economy of Cheap Toner

The costs of running a business can add up, so whenever you can snag a great deal on office supplies, it may seem like a great way to save. When it comes to printer toner, however, toner at too-good-to-be-true pricing might save you a few bucks now, but just might cost you in the long run. Here’s why...

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Benchmark Celebrates 25 Years in Business

On this day in 1994, we opened our doors for business.

Twenty-five years later, Benchmark has grown to more than 80 employees covering 12 locations, while serving over 2,000 customers across the Southwestern United States.

We’re excited to celebrate Benchmark’s 25th year in business with the communities we serve. We are grateful for all of our customers who have been so loyal to Benchmark over...

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How To Order Supplies From Benchmark

How To Order Supplies From Benchmark

So you’ve been using your new machine for awhile now which means it might be time to place your first supply order. Whether you are enrolled in one of our traditional cost-per-copy agreements or a managed print program with Benchmark, ordering supplies for your office equipment is easy.

Supplies can be ordered in any of the following ways:

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Is Your Copier Paper Affecting your Print Jobs?

Is Your Copier Paper Affecting your Print Jobs?

Unless you’re a paper buff, chances are you’ve never really had deep thoughts about the kind of paper you use in your copier. Maybe you “just buy whatever is on sale” each month or pick up a few cases of the “basic stuff” on your wholesale club runs.

A little known fact to many multifunctional printer (MFP) users is that paper type can drastically...

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Five Things You Should Stop Doing With Your Printers Immediately

Five Things You Should Stop Doing With Your Printers Immediately

There’s an old saying that hindsight is 20/20, and if you knew then what you know now you would have done things differently. This is often the case when businesses pause and actually assess their printing environment. Things like:

  • How much is actually being printed throughout your entire organization
  • Whether or not you have...
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Five Tips for Cleaning Your Copier

Five Tips for Cleaning Your Copier

As much as your copier is used in a day, when was the last time you took notice and cleaned it?Copiers have all kinds of doors, drawers, trays and crevices—the exact places that loose particles love to creep into and wreak havoc. In most cases, your copier is maintained during routine service calls from your equipment provider, but the in-between times are bonus...

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Workflow Automation Isn’t Just For the Big Guys Anymore

Workflow Automation Isn’t Just For the Big Guys Anymore

Many entry-level production print customers think that print workflow automation is only for the big guys--either because implementation seems too complicated, or because their print volumes are too low.

Recent advancements in this game-changing technology can help even the smallest commercial printers and central reproduction departments...

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